Staff Support 2022

Equip Disciples provides monthly supplemental income support to our staff members. These are indigenous ministers who are our missionaries in and beyond their own communities. Donors commit to sponsoring their staff members for one year. After that time, they may recommit or rotate off. Equip Disciples sends out semesterly email newsletters and snail mail general reports through the year. More than one person can sponsor each staff member. So, if you want to sponsor a particular person, but do not have the funds to fully support them, that is okay. We will combine you with another donor. If you wish to sponsor someone, please email and let her know. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!

DR Congo Staff Needs for 2022

Name and Position:

Isembo- Deaf Bible Study Leader, Advisor to Equip Disciples DRC. Bible School Graduate.

$75 a month

Bible Study Groups: 3

Name and Position:

Bertin- Chief Advisor/VP of Equip Disciples DRC, Pastor. Bible School graduate.

$150 a month

Bible Study Groups: 23

Name and Position:

Jeannine (Bertin's wife)- Advisor of Equip Disciples DRC.

$85 a month

Bible Study Groups: 10

Name and Position:

Mandela, President, Equip Disciples DRC, Pastor, Student in Theology School. Full time Equip Disciples minister.

$250 a month

Bible Study Groups: 120

Name and Position:

Esperance, Secretary, Equip Disciples, DRC. Mandela's wife.

$85 a month

Bible Study Groups: 13

Name and Position:

Gogolo, Minister Equip Disciples, DRC. Pastor.

$85 a month

Bible Study Groups: 12


Office Rental- DR Congo

For our ministry to have a legal presence in DR Congo, we need to rent office space.

Amount: $3,000 for the year


Name and Position:

Patrick, General Manager and Minister to the Deaf .

$50 a month

$400 conference coordination

Bible Study Groups: 8 in Rugerero, Rwanda.